Today we had a very eventful day. After breakfast, the entire group piled into one Land Rover and made the journey to the Emarti primary and secondary school. Half the group went to the Secondary school and helped to cement the boy’s dormitory wall. The other half went to the primary school and taught classes. Some students were able to play sports with the children and others taught classes such as Music, Math, English, and P.E. Next we all went back to the Olerai farm and had a relaxing lunch and rest time. After our much needed rest we made our way to the Emarti Health Centre. At the clinic we toured the facilities and the owner told us about all the services they provide. We learned that the clinic does not have electricity, which makes it difficult to perform necessary services and work at night. Next, we all were able to take some nice, warm showers and rest before dinner. After dinner we all sat around the campfire and had a fun ANCHOR meeting.