Jambo! Today the girls geared up to finish their work at the Emarti Primary and Secondary Schools. Half of the girls went to the primary school where they continued teaching classes and playing field games with several of the elementary classes. The other girls went to the Secondary School where they helped finish the plastering of the inside of the dormitory, began installing the windows, and even got to teach the Form 2 (10th Grade) English class.
After a delicious lunch, the girls began preparing for their performance at the farewell ceremony that would take place on Wednesday afternoon. The rest of the day was devoted to revisiting a “learnership” that was the most interesting to each girl. Five girls chose to return to the Emarti Health Clinic and had the opportunity to watch the nurses administer immunizations to newborn babies and infants. The shadowing experience showed the girls the ins and outs of the healthcare system in place in Emarti.
The rest of the girls remained on the farm where they helped plant sixty trees as part of the farm’s effort to conserve the land. When both groups finished their “learnerships” we joined together for a fun game of soccer.
The day ended with a nice dinner and a continuation of the performance preparation. Everything’s dandy on this side of the world! We are so sad our trip is coming to an end, but we can’t wait to see you soon and share our stories!